Doors open at 7:30 for the show on Friday. Sam will go on at around 8:30., and play two 45-minute sets. Please arrive early for a good seat, bring a dish or drink to pass, and a pillow if you need one. Otherwise, just sit back and enjoy the show!
If you haven't RSVP'd yet, please do so. The show is filling up quickly.
And thanks to the hundreds who e-mailed in to tell me that Caleb Stine's show was listed incorrectly. He's not playing on Friday, Nov. 9, because Nov. 9 is not a Friday. He's playing Friday, Nov. 4. So go ahead and change those vacation plans back. I hope you all are looking forward to this show as much as I am. Me, I'm especially excited to hearing him without the din of Ze Mean Bean making his insightful lyrics tough to hear.
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